How Do Rabbits Communicate With Humans

I know you are a pet lover and have lived with multiple pets as you like; that is why you are here. Am I right? Today, I am very excited to discuss Rabbits, one of the best pets in the world. They also have a couple of male & female rabbits.

I assume you are a rabbit lover and want to know how do rabbits communicate with humans. The rabbits can convey a message through their body language, sounds & movements, which I discuss deeply in this article; stay tuned.

How I Know Can Rabbits Communicate with Humans?

It’s straightforward; if you are familiar with this concept, which type of sounds make rabbits, and what is the meaning of it?

As a new owner, you can face a few difficulties in understanding the rabbit’s feelings.

But you don’t need to worry about it, because I’m here to share all my experiences about how to live with their rabbits.

For Newbai, you know a rabbit is a cute and attractive animal pet and makes no noise as the others make, like dogs and cats.

Moreover, many types of rabbits can attract everyone, especially women’s, who love to live with rabbits.

How I Know Do Rabbits Like When You Talk to Them?

Make sure you are aware of different types of rabbit sounds and movements. If yes, you will know your rabbits are in a happy mood and talking with you or in an aggressive mood.

Depends on You, How To Treat With Them

It’s a common thing and up to you about how to train your rabbit and what type of your behavior is when you spend time with them.

Suppose you are asking me how I spend time & communicate with rabbits.

Furthermore, I also share my thoughts about this myth of how rabbits communicate with each other.

Are you excited to know?

Ahh, ok

Let’s come

Rabbits can talk through their body language, So I have experienced what they want to say to me; for example, sometimes they fear and behave like screaming.

They are playing and jumping on me when they are in happy feelings. Also, I notice when they are in a relaxed mood, they play with their toys in the room.

The one other thing rabbits are comfortable with when they are living in a group

Along with that, I also mention the various sounds and body movements of rabbits or bunnies. Yup, you must be considered if you understand and communicate with them.

How Do Rabbits Communicate With Humans By Various Ways

I am damn sure if you kept these things in mind, you better communicate with this cutest pet. Again, these ways belong to body movements, so they must be considered.

Understanding this logic and how bunnies communicate with us is simple but challenging.

Rabbits Communicate With Us

Rabbits Communicate With Humans By Body Language

Ears Moving

Rabbits can use their ears to listen and express their feelings; when both ears are up, it shows what is happening around like fear or alertness.

But if one ear is up, it mentions the bunnies are still listening, and in another case, if both ears are down, it’s a sign of comfort or relaxation.

Yup, I did this experiment with my rabbits in my room; I also made a short video and shared it here in the video category section.

Tail Wagging

You will be surprised to know about this attractive body language sign of rabbits, for me it’s exciting and a little bit funny. I am sure you ignore it even many times express your rabbit.

When the rabbit is flickering or wagging its tail, it means something they do not like or don’t want to do.

In simple words, if you offer something related to eating, and rabbits behave like tail wagging, they communicate with you and do not like what you are given.

I also noted that when I kept them in a cage, they treated them like that, and I understand they didn’t want to go to a cage.

By doing this, they show their love when I open the cage. So, how do rabbits say I love you? Yup, maybe this crazy thing you don’t understand, but those who love rabbits will.

Rabbits Mumbling

When they are unhappy and show their anger with their fellows and humans, they mumble.

Perhaps they don’t like the situation or environment and want to live alone and act like this body language.

Eyes Closing & Opening

Indeed, when they are closed or open, their eyes feel relaxed. But when they open their wide eyes and straight ears, it’s a sign of excitement about something.

Thumping With Their Feets

When the rabbits are in discomfort and want your attention, they thump with their feet. Yep, it’s another feared communication sign for talking with humans.

Rubbing Their Nose

If your rabbits are in an aggressive mood and want to be alone, they act by rubbing their nose, nipping at you, or kicking you. It means they want to get away.

Rabbits Communicate With Humans By Making Sounds

Rabbit Honking

Communicating with rabbits is an exciting technique for knowing what your rabbit wants to tell us.

Rabbit honking is one of the techniques that rabbits use to communicate with us and their fellows.

Rabbits make soft sounds to attract you and another rabbit fellow. Also, this honking means your rabbit is relaxed and feeling joy.


Hormonal rabbits make this humming sound when they feel love and show love to humans or other fellows.

In simple words, this this whispering or humming sound is like a romantic or courting sound like other pets do with their owners.


When my friend comes to my home, the rabbits make this hissing sound to show their territory or when they are feeling scared.

Teeth Grinding Like Purring

This is one of the emotional communication behaviors of rabbits for me because it’s a sign of when the rabbit or bunny is in pain.


No doubt this guide about how do rabbits communicate with humans is beneficial for all of you interested in becoming the master of communication with bunnies.

I will mention all the popular communication ways that help to make a positive relationship with long-time live with their loving rabbits.

I have lived with my rabbits for over ten years, and they are healthy and happy. It is my responsibility to train them as we want.

So, you can also learn their language & then communicate with them by following the above factors. Hope so, your query about how does a rabbit communicate will be solved.


Do bunnies get attached to their owners?

The quick answer is yes; they also show affection or attraction to the owners, like humans.

How do rabbits show they trust you?

By doing head butting or rubbing against you

How do rabbits say thank you?

By licking your hand or leg

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